Every consumer journey is different, and the path to making a purchase is not always the same. Some consumers buy on impulse from seeing an ad on social media, while others might have to see the same ad several times across different platforms before they visit the website for the first time.
While the visuals, interactivity, and messaging of an ad campaign are important for consumer engagement, so is its relevance when it comes to the audience it reaches. With the increase in time spent online over the past year, it’s more important now than ever before to evaluate your targeting strategies in order to reach the most engaged audiences with your campaigns.
But how do you know which targeting strategy to use? Our team of campaign experts has compiled this helpful reference guide with targeting strategies, their goals and best practices to help you reach the right audience for your brand based on your campaign goals.
Get the Guide: Top Targeting Tactics for 2021
Download the guide and access the top targeting tactics for 2021.