Connected TV (CTV) is top of mind for many marketers today. When the world shut down in March amid the COVID pandemic, CTV viewership went through the roof. As our commuting and work schedules have changed, marketing plans have also adjusted, with less being spent on out of home, and more dollars shifting to other screens in our homes.
Connected TV offers marketers an amazing opportunity to reach the masses that linear TV has offered, with better targeting and personalization. This channel offers a simple way to share your brand message with a larger audience, without the ad waste of untargeted linear TV advertising. But while CTV ads can reach a larger percentage of your target audience with your brand message, they aren’t always as great at driving direct response and conversions.
While traditional TV advertising is expensive, it’s pricey for a reason. Your ads are seen by a huge number of viewers who may or may not have any interest in what you are advertising. With CTV, your ads are being served to viewers you know are part of your target audience.
One way to combat this problem is to combine your CTV campaign with other channels. Retargeting an audience who has been exposed to your ads via display, video, social, or native can help drive engagement with your audience across screens when they are more likely to click and shop.
Another option is to tackle cross screen retargeting another way — by sending your existing website visitors CTV ad messages. These consumers have already visited your site but may not have converted. CTV is an effective way to continue your brand message and keep the story going.
Combining multiple channels is an excellent way to drive more new visitors to your site, meaning more potential customers. Exposing this audience to your brand message more often gives them an increased opportunity to click, engage, and remember your brand.
Altogether, retargeting your CTV audience offers the chance to keep your funnel full, and ultimately drive more conversions.
AUDIENCEX is now offering a special promotion to help your Q4 CTV campaigns go further and drive more conversions. For new CTV campaigns at $50K or above, we’re offering a 5% ($2500) media match for display retargeting at no cost. For campaigns at $100K or above, we’re offering a 10% media match for display retargeting as well as a free creative set to get your display retargeting up and running. More details and sign up here. Our in-house team of campaign strategists and media buyers work with our partners every day to build and execute successful campaigns across all channels with a variety of targeting tactics. If you would like to learn more about how we can help run your Q4 campaigns to beat your KPIs, contact us.
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